Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Movember: Save a guy’s life with cash for my ‘stache

uncool dad blog movember day 1I'm in a bit of a hairy situation these days, you see.

No, really, do you see?

Look! It's right under your nose. I mean, MY nose. I'm growing what you would charitably call a mustache.

Or, to be exact, a mustache for charity.

Yes, friends, it is time again for those of us who are facial-hair inclined to change the month of November into "Movember," 30 days of growing lip sweaters to raise awareness of men's health issues.

Men’s health issues? Like what? Terminal beer gut? Remote control finger?

Turns out 1 in 2 men are likely to be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their life compared with 1 in 3 women.

While enormous amounts of pink are spilled annually publicizing breast cancer awareness for women, did you realize a man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with breast cancer?

I didn’t until last year when I first grew a soup strainer for Movember. That’s when you and others helped me contribute $1,300 to the fight against prostate and testicular cancers through the nonprofit Movember Foundation, which in 2010 raised more than $80 million.

This year, I’m at it again with a team of 50+, including again my partners in crime against fatherhood at DadCentric.com. I shaved late last night and now I again intend to put them to shame with my overt facial fuzziness.

Here’s what you can do help this worthy cause:

DONATE: Give a few bucks to support the growth between my nose and upper lip. Funds raised benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG - the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

JOIN IN: Whether you are facial hair proficient or not, you can join our team to raise funds and awareness.

(By the way, why “Movember”? According to legend, the movement started several years ago when a group of men gathered in an Australian pub decided to grow whiskers for a good cause. "Mo" is allegedly short for the "moustache." I've never actually heard that nickname used before, but I have seen enough Foster's Lager commercials to know those Australians have a different way of saying almost everything.)


  1. Glad to have you on our team (or maybe I'm on YOUR team?)!

  2. I glad you're doing this again. I love watching all of you get scraggly then shave to the 'stache.

    I won't be joining this year because I'm committed to helping RM & his run. We will drop by and toss something into the team's pot. (Damn! You guys are going for the gold with that crew!)

  3. Mmmm... Foster's...
    Oh, and yes, of course - good cause! :)

  4. you must relize the thing they took out pf my head was a cncer, but it did not come back either!

  5. It's National Mustache Growing Month: NaMoGroMo

  6. Grow for it! Good luck and big bucks!

  7. You have to get post some video of you singing Bohemian Rhapsody once the stache is fully established.


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