Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Run Awaaaaaaaay

Playing the waiting game on Banks o’ Carolina as Irene blows down in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, I’ve written a little back-to-school diddy for all of you moms and dads over on DadCentric today. While I contemplate evacuation route options, read how the piece starts and then maybe click to read a little more:

Meet the New Math

Remember when you climbed on the bus for the first day of a new school year then you'd turn your head to see your parents fighting back the tears?

Now, as a parent yourself, you know that feeling.


Pure, unfiltered, fully leaded joy.

As soon as that bus escapes view … (read more at DadCentric)


  1. Depending on what part of the Carolina coast you're in, you'll come right by me if you have to evacuate! I'm in Aiken. :) Good luck!

  2. Well, that's what you get for going on vacation......get home safely, we miss you in Bloggerville.

  3. Sorry you guys are gonna get Irene, it appears it's going to skip right over us now in FL.
    Your new math made me crack up hysterically - know what, I actually got one right before even looking at your answer. HaHa!
    Stay safe and enjoy the end of your summer!

  4. You are "one smart dude Dad" You nailed it!

    Steer clear of Irene and stay safe.

  5. My brother & sister-in-law's place is just inland from Carolina Beach. Cold comfort, but it's about 2 or 3 blocks from the ocean and up on stilts. Hit me if you need directions.

  6. We're on the Banks o Carolina now. Here (hopefully) till Saturday. Corolla. You?

  7. too funny - too true. while i'm here... just exactly HOW do you know the Fountains of Wayne?

  8. Haha. I'm not a parent, but I can imagine... :D

  9. It's the most wonderful time of the year......

    PS. Cupcake answer was classic!

  10. Nooooooo! Just received email from school district about potential school closure on Monday!

    C'mon Irene.....


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