I’m feeling nostalgic these days. Nostalgic for global warming.
New England winters like San Diego springs.
Oceans rising all around us.
The landlocked unwittingly blessed with beachfront property.
Sure, the environmentalists scream and moan about losing the polar bear but, deep down, they go to bed salivating at the prospect of increased access to fresh fish tacos.
Now we have “climate change.” Idiotic name. “Change” implies a shift in the routine. Instead it’s day upon day of subfreezing temperatures and foot upon foot of snow. You know: excessive winter-like weather in winter, for crying out loud.
Sure, I appreciate the endless supply of cocktail ice just outside my window prevents me from ever cutting happy hour short, but enough is enough.
Where’s a nutty professor claiming our zealous burning of fossil fuel will permanently keep our home heating bills in check when you need one?

Not my frozen twig and berries.
Photo: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/